PD-ROM B4.iso
bot 1.0.1
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71 lines
General Software Information:
The included software programs, ’bot Developer and ’bot Arena (the
“Applications”), and their Documentation (including Tutorials) are
Copyright ©1991 by Jason A. Davis and David H. Chait and are protected
by the US Copyright laws. You may not decompile, disassemble, or
create derivative works from the Applications.
’bot requires System 6.0 or greater on a Classic, SE, or Plus, and
requires System 6.0.5 or greater on all other machines. It is fully
compatible with MultiFinder and System 7.0, which allow battles and
Tournaments to be run in the background. Even under MultiFinder, it
can be run on a Mac with only 1 Meg of memory.
Shareware Information:
These Applications are distributed under the Shareware system.
Shareware is a user-supported distribution method: users can try out
software and pay after deciding they like it and use it. You may use
’bot for thirty (30) days without charge, after which we request that
you send us the registration fee. If you do not register, we ask that
you delete all copies of the Applications at the end of the thirty-day
period. Registered users will be notified of significant upgrades and
any upcoming tournaments. All minor upgrades will be free of charge to
registered users.
The software residing in the ’bot Folder, which includes the Tutorial
folder, the Applications, and this Documentation, may be distributed by
user groups providing they are charging only a nominal fee for their
expenses. In no case may users be charged for the ’bot software, except
of course for sending the normal registration fees to us. All Public
Domain and Shareware distribution companies/channels and all other
for-profit corporations wishing to distribute ’bot must FIRST contact
Future Generation Software at the address listed below.
Registration Fee:
To become a registered user, send $15 (+5% for MA residents) to:
Future Generation Software
10 Thoreau Road
Lexington, MA 02173
Please only send a check, and make it payable to Jason Davis. Include
your name, mailing address, electronic mail address (if any), and the
version number of each ’bot Application.
Group Registration:
As an alternative (and to make the cost for you lower), we will register
a group of 2-5 users together for a single fee of $20 (+5% for MA
residents). Please send a check as above along with the information
requested for each user in the group.
General Disclaimer:
Although we have taken great efforts to insure that these Applications
are bug free, we cannot guarantee that they are without error. Future
Generation Software (Jason Davis & David Chait) takes no responsibility
for any incidental or consequential damages resultiing from the use of
these Applications. In no case will our liability exceed the
registration fee paid to Future Generation Software.
Contacting Us:
We welcome all comments and suggestions for improvement. You can reach
us at any of the following:
America Online: FUGESoft
CompuServe: 71121,2506
Internet: jdavis@husc3.harvard.edu
Mail Address:
Future Generation Software
10 Thoreau Road
Lexington, MA 02173